Tuesday, November 25, 2008

[Germany] PhD Scholarships in Neuroscience Landscape at Berlin School of Mind and Brain

PhD Scholarships in Neuroscience Landscape at Berlin School of Mind and Brain

The Berlin School of Mind and Brain is an international graduate school offering a three-year doctoral program in English. The school is based in Berlin and part of an extensive neuroscience landscape.

The focus of the school`s research is on the interface of humanities and behavioral sciences with neurosciences (philosophy, social sciences,linguistics, behavioral and cognitive psychology, neuro-physiology, psychiatry, neurology, computational neuroscience, neurobiology).

The deadline of this application is: 15 January 2009.

All doctoral students will receive supervision by two professors, one from the mind sciences, and one from the brain sciences.

The school`s main research areas are: Conscious and unconscious perception, decision-making, language, brain plasticity and lifespan ontogeny, and mental disorders and brain dysfunction. The school especially welcomes applications for the research areas brain plasticity & lifespan ontogeny, mental disorders & brain dysfunction, and philosophy of mind!

The school offers a number of scholarships. Scholarships are generous, and they will cover university enrolment fees and living expenses in Berlin (including accommodation, subsistence, insurances, public transport).

Tuition Fees:
Humboldt-Universitä t zu Berlin does not charge tuition fees for this program!

Requirements for Applications:
We are looking for students with a Master`s or Diploma degree (research degree) in philosophy, linguistics, psychology, neurology, psychiatry, computer science, biology, law, economics, or another field relevant for mind/brain research. Students can apply to the doctoral program while completing their Master`s course!

Applications: www.mind-and-brain.de/63.0.html

Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Humboldt-Universitä t zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin

Phone +49 30 2093-1706
Fax +49 30 2093-1802

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